The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 15th 1888.

Novbr. 15th Thursd.

Wifes birthday, Give her $100. And silver bowl also two L.K. bonds of $100 each. Settle Executors account with Harry W. T. Candidus in evg at my house. Mrs. Ida F. Grote, widow of F. Grote called, wife still nervous and excited, feels the life all over but not very strong

Nobr 16th friday.

Mrs. Nathan Appleton called on behalf of Miss Thursby for a Parlorgrand. My wife still in danger of a miscarriage from excitement and overexertion. Am at Queens Co. Bank with George, buy 75 Shares of Flushing Bank Stock at par and 4½ pr cent accrued interest, together $783904/100, I thereby get the control of the said Flushing Bank. In ev’g am at office working again til 11 o’clock

Novbr 17th sat.

Lovely day. Chas. baby still seems to be sick as he does not call. Miss Alice Lathrop calls with a letter from Dr. Banck Dresden, Mrs. Schaarschmidt calls, having been on the road with Miss Juch, mailed Theodore 100.000 Marks last night. Miss Trautmann & Emma Schneider also call and pester me with their business. Wife feels better but will not go out for a few days yet. Work home in evg & take warm bath

Novbr. 18. Sund.

Lovely but cool day. In forenoon at Office, then at L.K. Rehearsal. In afternoon at Office + in Vault, then at 4½ P.M. at Arion for German Hospital Aid Society, and preside Ladies & Gentlemen Com. Mr. Defries present, Learn from Mr. Van der Emde that Henry A. Cassebeer sen. died today. Am at L.K. Concert in ev’g which is splendid, Fischer, Alvary, Treumann Fursch Madi, Marie Maurer, S. B. Mills, who plays on a poor Steck piano. Home at 2 A.M. after treating the artists