The Diary

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New York & Astoria, May 29th 1889.

May 29th Wed.

brutish insulting behavior. At 5 P.M. he and Charles H. Steinway + wife sail in Steamer Noordland for Antwerp. At 6 P.M. am at Ottendorfers play Skat with him, Chas. E. Wendt + Julius May, lose 22 Cents, at 10.15 P.M. start for Astoria, reaching Mansion by 2d Ave. L. Road + Astoria Ferry by 11.15. PM

May 30th Thursday.

Remain at Astoria all day. Digging by Louis Webers men for new shed has begun in good earnest on Kouwenhoven str. Go over track of Riker Ave. R.R. with Geo. & Delehanty, Louis and Oscar v. Bernuth catch 14 fish. Weather cool & showery I dictate for several hours to Mr. Stürcke European letters, and work til 11 P.M. fixing up proofs of death of Washington Life Ins. Comp. Policy of C. F. Theo. Steinway

+ Decoration day

May 31st friday.

Excessively busy all day. Hold deferred Meeting of Riker Ave. + Sandfords Point R.R. elect last years board and elect same officers at board Meeting, work like a beaver til after 8 P.M. then to “Deutscher Verein” attend to Meeting of Buildg Com. adjudicate plans Prof. Ware giving no valuable hints, and finally (I presiding) award first prize to McKim, Mead + White, second prize to de Lemos + Cordes, third prize to D’oeuch I take clam chowder & bottle of Kaiser beer at Dorlons and walk to my Gram. Park house, being quite well rested next morning, raining hard

June 1st sat.

Rainstorm all day. Business quite good. The Washington Life Ins. Company pay up $20.000 Life Ins. to C. F. Theodor Steinway to Wm. Steinway his Executor. Mrs. Leila Rummel calls on and her conversation with me as to her brother Eddy. At Astoria working