The Diary

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New York + Astoria, June 26th 1889.

June 26th Wed.

Drive with wife to Hunters Point, reach Ferry at 8.30 A.M. Cotterill & Kittle call with Harry hold consultation, then down to Court Room, Tazewell Fox only puts J. J. Halsey on the stand, who testifies rather in my favor. Plaintiff then rests Cotterill moves for a dismissal of the case making a masterly argument, Tazewell Fox replies reiterating charge of fraud, when Judge Jos. P. Daly in a masterly exposition grants Cotterills motion for a dismissal. The two wretches, Gross and Kulenkamp slink quite crushed out of the room. We all repair to Hollender have a good dinner, Harry and Cotterill attend to the press reports, I cable “Steinway Hamburg Inform Koch Steinways Zieglers that lawsuit agt me was dismissed, glorious Victory for me. Cable me Charles Steinways arrival at Braunschweig William Steinway” Astoria Silk Comp. borrow $5000 of me on their note. At Ottendorfers for supper, then to “Deutsche Verein” Building Plans adopted, then via Hunters Point Ferry to Mansion, Astoria.

June 27th Thursd.

Papers all have notice of dismissal of case against me, Staatszeitung has splendid article. Am very busy all forenoon, at 3 P.M. to Fishdinner of Table round at Burns in 6th Ave. Very nice affair we then go to L.K. roll tenpins. I attend Vorstands- and Trustee Session, With H. Marz in Cab to 92d str. Ferry, am at Mansion 11 P.M. Sleep very nicely, Talk to Officer Darcy

June 28. friday.

I feel highly elated at my success Home in eveg working + write letters.

June 29th sat.

Early at the office, it is dreadfully hot buy a new strawhat, look at houses for Mortgages in Brooklyn, Work in evg.