The Diary

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New York + Astoria July 4th 1889.

July 4th Thursd.

Threatening weather, culminating in a fearful rainstorm in afternoon. I work like a beaver all day, doing an immense amount of work. Frl. sick in bed. Wife yesterday .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... quite strong.

July 5th friday.

Lovely day. Very busy. With 6 P.M. boat Emeline to Grand Pier, Meet my family at Harlem + make trip with them. Coachman James wants to go back to my R.R. which I refuse pointblank Work in ev’g

July 6th sat.

Work at store all afternoon alone, take 5½ P.M. boat 92d str. Ferry, work in ev’g, Mrs. Delehanty calls on me and tells me a woeful story of her husbands neglect + drunkenness

July 7th Sunday.

Lovely day, crowds of people for boats + R.R. Electric road runs very nicely too. Give my boys a ride on electric car and Rutschbahn of Caroussel. Work in afternoon and evg

July 8th Monday.

Pretty warm, Chas. cables “Herrig frantz sold hundred thousand Marks securities for Estate I return Switzerland today” I sell 100.000. Marks to Knauth Nachod + Kühne for $
Mrs. Krüsi and Ms. Veling call. Pastor Krüsi sailed by Hammonia last Thursday with Emma Schneider, Felix Kraemer, Louis Grass & wife, July 4th. Work at Mansion Astoria in evg

July 9th Tuesd.

Excessively busy all day, in evg at Arion and L.K. by Coupè to 92d str. Ferry got 11¼ boat, sleep well

July 10th Wed.

In afternoon work at my house from 3-6 P.M. searching my diaries for Theodore Steinways arrivals at and departures from New York. L. Veling & L. Krüsi called Play Skat (after suppering with) Ottendorfer Senner + Mai lose $1.30. Catch 10¾ boat at 92d str/ Ferry. Sleep finely.

July 11. Thursd.

Obtain from Superior Court Record of Theo. Citizenship, reach Astoria Mansion 6½ P.M. translate whole thing same evg into german