The Diary

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New York + Astoria, July 12th 1889

July 12th friday.

Lovely day. Quiet a number of people at B. B. Beach working home in ev’g at Mansion

July 13th sat.

At noon in buggy (Park Phaeton to Hunters Point stop in at Queens County Bank for a moment, then with Edmund C. Stanton over my R.R. and Bowery Bay Beach which is well patronized. Work in eveg, at Mansion til 11 PM
Mills to Europe

July 14th sund.

Lovely day with Northwind. My new road from easterly end of Flushing Ave to Bowery Bay obliquely across my land commences to run and does splendidly The cars, and the boats from Harlem are literally packed with people all day, and it seems to me to be the heaviest day since opening of the beach. Work in evg took my first swimbath with wife and children at our place. Water lovely, we all enjoy it greatly


July 15th Mond.

During the night a heavy rain set in. Since Saturday the french & Anarchists of N.Y.have celebrated the 100th Anniversary. Have nice Notices in Staatsztg + Herald about crowds at Bowery Bay Beach, took in nearly $1300 on R.R. and over $1400. on the boats, last weeks receipts on R.R. were $3200. the highest we ever had net to ourselves Work at Mansion in evg til 11 PM

July 16th Tuesd.

Excessively busy all day with a flood tide of letters from Europe which I hastily answer, working til late at office. Serious dissensions take place between Adam Weber & Chas. A. Kittle. Give Old Troitzsch $50. for his suffering daughter Ella who has to give up teaching our School. I brought two swimming belts to my boys yesterday. Work with letters til after 8 P.M. Then to L.K. + Arion. Stop over night at Gram Park

July 16th continued.

Had bought Fritz Steins Picture framed for $25. of Schuberth, present same to Liederkranz, accepted with thanks