The Diary

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New York & Astoria, Aug. 13th 1889


Home which is grand, Ottendorfer, Schickel, Marc Eidlitz there  Ottendorfer shows us all over, he drives me to L.K. where I take supper, attend Meeting of Ges. Wiss. Verein, speak to Senner and Bilhuber, we resolve not to touch Progress Club building  in buggy to Astoria, take Jul. Hoffmann to 92d str.  Home at mansion at midnight.  My family were with Mrs. Held at Long Branch today

Aug. 14. Wed.

Am at Mansion Astoria all day in torrents of rain, work all day and despatch a great deal of business & documents

Aug 15th Thursd.

E. Leonhardt calls, am excessively busy all day work in eve’g at Mansion til late.

Aug 16th friday.

Busy all day. In evg with Louis v. Bernuth by Harlem boat to B.B.B. Beach, 9th Anniversary, boys make speeches on my prompting. Work til 11 PM

Aug. 17th sat.

beautiful day. Mrs. Susan H. Gray & her son King start in steamer “Werra” for Europe. Work in evg home at Mansion, wife .. . .. .._

Aug 18th Sunday.

Lovely, though cool day. Mr + Mrs. Seebass and their daughters, Constanza Donita and Helene Seebass and Mr. + Mrs. Held with us for dinner and Supper, Constanza sings, I sing, we sing Faust duetto together pleasant day + evening. They depart at 9 oclock PM


Aug 19. Monday.

Lovely weather. Receipts on R.R. last week with several rainy days $3.436.66 Constanza Donita calls as to exchange of her Hamburg Steinway Grand piano Wholesale business begins to be lively. At 6 P.M. to Ottendorfers for supper. Afterwards play Skat with him Dr. Senner & Mr. Loeser, lose $241/100. Proceed all the way by horse cars via Hunters Point, home