The Diary

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N.Y. Jany 21st 1890


and Jos. Morris examining latters books and assets as Treas. In evg splendid Concert of L.K. + Arion for German Hospital. With Adams + wife, Ottmann + Leyendecker til midnight at Goerwitz

Jany 22d Wed.

At Ottendorfers in evg Skat with him and Loeser, lose 95 Cents, buy 12 lots of M. Radde

Jan 23d Thursd.

At Bk. Metrop. in afternoon, Work til late at home, Mrs. Anna Wilhelms called.

Jan 24th friday,

work from 2-4 P.M. home, and again til midnight home, Suckau gets European mail send out 13 Copies

Jan 25th sat.

Lunch at Lüchows, at 1 P.M. from Hunters Point to Steinway in carriage with Moulton, at Land Office with him and Walter C. Foster. Saw Menzl about grand A press, discharged Officer Darcy, also at Daimler Motor Comp. Wife and boys also there, Return with Moulton via Hunters Point. He has done wonders in the short time he has been manager of the road expenses reduced and receipts increased and everything neat and clean. Work home nearly til midnight

Jan 26. Sunday.

baby Maud fell out of bed at 8 A.M. but there seems to be no damage beyond fright. I had a touch in my left arm Since Thursday. Stetson has been laid up all week, and I was nearly crushed by the fearful work on me. I paid off Pac. Bk $30.000. Bk Metrop. $50.000.45 and yet have over $100.000. Cash on hand left, work all forenoon and afternoon at store and work til late at night at my house.