The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Aug 27th 1891.

Aug 27th Thursd.

Mr. Evers telegraphed that his mother, Fanny Evers, died peaceably at 5 A.M. this morning at Tompkinsville, Staten Island. telegraph sad news to my wife at Adirondack + send despatch of condolence to Mr. + Miss Evers Held Meeting of Daimler Motor Co Trustees, all present resolve to hold Stockholders Meeting Septbr. 30th to increase working capital from $70.000 to $100.000. Am Bk Metropolis in afternoon Also attend Meeting at 4 P.M. Arion Hall, of “Deutscher Tag” for Octbr. 4th at Music Hall, fix whole programme with the Conductors. Dr. Kudlich jr shows me letters from Brünn very derogatory to Dr. Senners career there. Play Skat with L.v.B. + RRt jr. at Mansion in evg, lose 19 Cents

|             | D
Aug 28th fird

Aug 28th friday.

Rain in forenoon, clearing up in afternoon sent certificate of incorporation on St+S. certified by Burkard County Clerk + French Consul to Mrs. Dachauer in Lord Dupplin’ case. Cabled gratulatory despatch to Johanna Candidus Brunswick on her marriage to Max Griepenkerl, to take place tomorrow. Also cabled Holwede of 150.000. Marks drafts last Tuesday Take my sachel & books, by 2d Ave. L. Road to 99th str. by “James” to Grand Pier, meet Iwan Van Auw on boat. Work in evg til late, Had a talk with M. Steinert


Aug 29th sat.

Lovely cool weather, Gildemeester calls at Mansion at 10½ A.M. stays for lunch. He tells me all about Chickering + Sons, they have $1.200.000. of debts. I have several hours conversation with him. McCabe also calls on relation to turn my R.R. into an electric road