The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Aug 30th 1891.


left knee. Consultation of L.v.B., Hirsch, and a Mr. Wells in my library, engage latter for the Daimler Motor Comp. subject to references and enquiries


Aug 31st Monday.

Excessively busy all day. touch in knee disappears, but remains in left wrist. Go to Mansion by way of 99th str. + Grand Pier. R. Ranft jr. with family left Mansion by 10.10 A.M. boat from Grand Pier (Wiehawken) and safely get home

Septbr. 1st Tuesday.

My wrist strains badly and commences to swell am at store early, Chas. H. St. missed train at Lake Hopatcong and I am alone. Have hard set to with Henry W. T. St. who is dreadfully disappointed because all stockholders have paid for their stock and he cannot buy any more of it. Dr. Ziegfeld called, on his way to Chicago. On friday sent my third check for $4000. instalment on my subscription to the Worlds Fair, dated today. Am at L.K. in evg, hold Music Com. Session, then Dr. Senner Com. session, then before the Society announce Oscar R. Steins death, audience rising, then report programme for Deutscher Tag, at Music Hall, then make a full report on Dr. Senner matter, after exhonerating him move that the matter may be considered terminated which is unanimously carried. Home late, in carriage to 92d str. Ferry with Hoffmann & Silbernagel


Sept 2d Wed.

My left hand and wrist badly swollen and strain badly. Remain all day + evg at Mansion. At 3 P.M. Steamship Havel with Fred. T. St. Nahum Stetson + family, Arthur and Julia Cassebeer arrive all well. At 9.15. P.M. my wife family and servants arrive from Adirondack, Schroon Lake, all well, little Maud is lovely, and Willie & Theo. are rosy cheeked + well. I suffer great pain during the night
