The Diary

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Wiesbaden, June 20th 1892

June 20th Monday.

Remain in bed all day

June 21st Tuesd.

Right leg now so well tha I can walk & sit up all day

June 22d Wed.

Can walk between two sticks, situp all day + transact a great deal of business with Holwede, who writes two letters for me to v. Mirbach, whom I enclose 2000 Marks for Kaiserin Augusta Church, in addition to 20.000. Marks for Kaiser Wilhelm Church sent a few days ago. Arens, Geilfuss and Candidus call. Took first bath


June 23d Thursd.

took second bath. Ottendorfer telegraphs from Nauheim that Cleveland was nominated at Chicago on first ballot. I at once sent a cablegram to Cleveland, Buzzards Bay, Mass congratulating him Leo Riess called

June 24. frid.

3d bath. Jacob & Dorette Ziegler come on a visit, they look well. Abbey & Grau write me from London that Wolff of Berlin notified them that Anton Rubinstein definitely declines going to America. I at once cable the good news to NewYork. I can now walk slowly without a stick, gout being confined to my left knee, and left hand


June 25th sat

4th bath, & drink Kochbrunnen in bath. Shoverling calls with his son, tell Zieglers all about H.W.T.St. Steamer Wieland sails from New York with Arion on board and Julius Hoffmann + Richard H. Adams sail with steamer "Ems"