The Diary

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Wiesbaden, July 19th 1892.


yet I sit on Balcony for an hour, with my overcoat on and heavy quilt over legs. I also have a ravenous appetite, yesterday + today eating fish at noon + boiled eggs in eveg. Also dispense with pillow under my knees at night

July 20th Wed.

Still very cold weather, took my 22d bath, get into bath alone for the first time. Am steadily improving my shoulder almost well, can walk without cane, but stiffness (especially in right one) in knees proves obstinate. Paula writes that Miß Roesler has engaged herself to Teufel + they are to marry next January. Paris Herald says a cooler Atmosphere has set in throughout the United States


July 21st Thursd.

Quite cold. Took my 23d bath and am steadily improving. Wife with Mrs. Gehrenbeck to Frankfurt a/M by 12.10. P.M. train, I sit up at writing desk, working and feeling quite comfortable. Recd a long letter from Otto Mayer, who has been discharged by L. v. Bernuth, and claims that I promised to take care of him. I write long letters to St +S. + L. v. Bernuth on Electric equipment and Daimler Motor Company, and am almost exhausted on retiring, but have all afternoon alternated a litte walking with working

July 22d frid.

Lovely day, took my 24th bath, Hoffmann + Adams call in the forenoon. I drive out with wife and baby + her nurse Leah to Neroberg, then through new Bärenstrasse, Maud and her nurse remain on Neroberg for an hour or two longer I am flooded with letters right and left. Chas. H. St. writes that H.W.T.St. came in and wanted to look at our inventory book which they refused, that he then transferred 4