The Diary

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Wiesbaden, July 22d 1892.


shares to his lawyer W. N. Cromwell, which had to be issued to the latter. Moulton also writes splendid news about Electric Motors + that Valentine has the contract for paving all the Avenues, receipts on Sunday July 10th were $1384.85 on R.R. and $1456. on N.Y. + College Pt. Ferry, being the biggest days those Companies ever had. Eshelby also writes a peevish letter on Hambg extra fancy cases, and my head is aching with all these horrible troubles which are thrust upon me while I am ill


July 23d Sat.

Lovely day, took my 25th bath at 10 A.M. and now arrange to take the baths at 7 A.M. here after. Dr. Pfeiffer tells me last exam. of my urin has turned out all I could wish, Harnsäure proportion normal, and not the faintest trace of any disease. I am again somewhat improved, have a strong appetite. At 3 P.M. after writing important letters, drive with wife, Maud + her nurse via Adolph Allee to Bieberich, walk under the trees on the banks of the Rhine somewhat strained my right shoulder getting out of Carriage. Meet Frl. and my two boys at Bieberich, they having walked there. Take them back in Carriage. They all go to Kurgarten I take a large glass of cold Selzer with a little whiskey in it which very much refreshes me. I sent the most important N.Y. letters today to Henry Ziegler for perusal, to him at St. Moritz, Switzerland, H. W. T. St. transferred 4 Shares to Cromwell

July 24th Sund.

Ottendorfer, Görlitz, A. Schmidt, Amann, + Sommerhoff call; Ottendorfer+ Schmidt dine with us, and in afternoon we drive in two Carriages to Neroberg, Thal, Cemetery with Franz Abt Denkmal, Ottendorfer parts at 6.10 P.M. He received a letter from Grover Cleveland, and thinks that much money is needed for campaign. I ate in dining room at noon today