The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 20th 1892.

Novbr. 20th Sund.

At Store in forenoon, then to L.K. Rehearsal, work at store in afternoon, at 6.15 P.M. drive to L.K. Hall with wife, take supper. Concert takes place, is splendid Herta Braeme and Amanda Fabris sing finely, as usual "Waldfräulein" is the gem of the evg. After concert down to supper, George Wilson, Secr. Musical Departt Columbian Fair, very jovial

Novbr. 21st Mond.

Horrible trouble with Max Mansfeld, who lies and squirms and plays nobody. Towards evg. Emil Thomas and Hauser call complaining about Mansfeld. A Fabris calls give her the $100. Liederkranz money, papers spoke well of her and the L.K. Concert Home in evg working..

Novbr. 22d Tuesd.

Lunch with Trask & Kittle at Delmonicos then to Rapid Transit Meeting, Geo. Gould, Col Hain & Julian Davies, + Pres. Thompson of the Pa. R.R. appear before us (I presiding) to ask for L.R Extension Courtland str. from Greenwich street to Jersey City Ferry. At L.K. in evg, let Cillis preside, L.K. resolves to have Dr. Zinssers Vortrag "Volkslied" next Sunday Eveg


Novbr 23d Wed.

Very busy all day St+Sons Board of Trustees at Zieglers work home evg

" 24th Thursd.

Thanksgiving day, Work forenoon at Store, tell F. G. Smith our conclusions at St+Sons Bd of Trustees regarding Phila. last night. Stetson also comes in we conclude to go to Phila. saturday. Work at Store all afternoon, home in evg
Met Dr. Neuhard and Max Mansfeld at my Office

" 25. frid.

Examination at Bk of Metropolis, made over $60.000. clear the last half of year, declare halfyearly dividend of 6% rest to surplus. Lunch at Lüchows, give the $25. gold at Bk Meetings to wife, work home in eveg