The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 28th 1892.


August v. Bernuth cables from Hannover "Perfectly well start December sixth Elbe" Carl Beulshausen calls, in great distress, I loan him $20. & give him a card to Osterheld & Eickemeyer Home in evg working, McCabe & Orne called say they will be ready for R.R. deal friday

Novbr 29th Tuesd.

Paid all our Real + Personaltaxes Took lunch with Meissner, Koch, Mohr Siedenburg + Gruner at Delmonico's, fix up Windmüller matter with latter at my office towards evg. Attend Rapid Transit Meeting, hear protest of property owners on Courtland street, fearful snowstorm. In evg at L.K. 25th Anniversary of John J. Breitwieser, I preside, fine festival. Home midnight, made speech

Novbr 30th Wed.

Jeanne and R. Franko. called, also Potter of Chicago, Spend afternoon home at my house working. At 630 P.M. drive with wife to house of Aug. Zinsser 507 W. 58th street where we have a charming dinner party, Mrs. Woerishoffer Mr. Scharman + Dr. Zinsser there. Have much fun over my advice to Mr. Sch. not to let his daughter Emma (the splendid Contralto) marry in at least 4 years, and then learning that she is engaged to young Dr. Zinsser. I also sing several songs am in fine voice.

| Z

Decbr. 1st Thursd.

Am at Bk. Metrop. in afternoon. Stetson Chas. H. + Fred. T. St. & Henry Ziegler with E. A. Potter of Chicago at my house from 4-6 P.M. fully discussing Lyon Potter & Comp. situation. In evg am at L.K. Bd. of Trustee + Vorstands session, my wife with Louis von Bernuth at Wedding of young Fritz v. Bernuth to Miß Schultz. Drive home from L.K. with wife who calls for me
