The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr 25th 1892

Decbr 25th Sund.

Snowing. We are all well. At Store in forenoon arranged with F. Kraemer and Wm F. Hasse discontinuance of T. F. Kraemer & Co. Also with Max Mansfeld, agreeable to Dittenhoefers + my interview to assign to me lease and sell all fixtures and equipment of Hotel Figaro. Geo. W. Cotterill calls at noon. Adolph Schmidt to dinner with us. Work at store in afternoon, see Architect Franke. My son Willie visited Ottendorfer with Adolph Schmidt Work home in evg. Richd Kleinfelder died today.

Decbr 26. Monday.

Christmas celebrated, bus. closed Work at store all forenoon, + afternoon. Home in evg working

Decbr 27. Tuesd.

Meet Thatcher, Fischer, Proddow + Stetson at Stetsons Office regarding awards at Columbus fair have quite a friendly chat. At Walter J. Fosters Office about N.Y. & Lg Isl. R.R. contract with Inter Isl Construction Comp. Then to 43 Montgomery str. Jersey City, F. G. Smith store, all stockholders & incorporators of N. Stetson & Co. Phila. there, organize with $200.000 Capital under laws of New Jersey. At L.K. in evg, preside, also Music session


Decbr. 28th Wed.

Dreadful accident at Tunnel of N.Y. & LgIsl. R.R. Comp dynamite explosion, many wounded, several killed and great loss of property. Afternoon papers call me Pres. of the Tunnel Comp. which I correct in Tribune + Staatszeitung for tomorrow. Hold Meeting of N.Y. + LgIs. R.R. Comp. at 45 Bdway. approve Contract with Inter Isl. Construction Comp. supplemental. Mrs. Franz Rummel sailed for Europe yesterday. pr. "Havel" At Ottendorfers, play Skat with him, May and Loeser, win 13 Cts. Stop at L.K. afterwards.


Decbr 29th Thursd.

Most exciting day. With Miß Gertrud Lemian to Surrogates Office ,leave Fredk Lemians will for probate
