The Diary

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NewYork, March 30th 1894.

March 30th frid.

To St. Hall early, weather being beautiful and my left knee nearly well I am hounded all day, but feel well over the fact that the Hamburg inventory arrived towards evg yesterday and shows that we made 15% there for 1893, and our total inventory shows that we made altogether nearly $250.000 notwithstanding that most dreadful year 1893. L.v. B. wife, Willie & Theo to Barnums Museum this evg. Steamship "Ems" overdue 3 days. Ottilie Steinway writes from Great Neck, that George is in bed with nervous prostration + worry for the past 5 days. Col. Breckenridge on the stand in Washington in the case of Madeleine Pollard agt him. He makes most astounding revelations The Jury in the case of Laidlaw agt Russell Sage brings in a Verdict of $25.000. agt Sage

March 31st Sat.

Cool fine weather. Can walk fairly well again, quite an eventful day. Sale to Lena Rosenthal of Estate of Albert St. house 336 East 51st street closed at my office at $8500. To our pleasant surprise our Stock account turns out remarkably well, having as said before made about $250.000 during 1893. We close our books, sig +myself agree to declare 10% dividends as of Jany 1st 1894, place $20.000 to surplus fund and distribute the rest in extra salaries. Surplus fund will thereby be increased to $200.000. viz. 10% of our capital of $2.000.000. Adolph Burkard also to my great joy found in our old safe E. the 23 missing bonds of the Bowery Bay Blg & Improvement Co. Have many visitors, among them Emil Paur and wife, and also Wm. Rohlfing of Milwaukee. E. A. Potter of Chicago and Major Clark of San Francisco were at Stetsons Office. Business is gradually improving. Am home in evg reading and working. L.v.B. at "Bismarck Essen" at "Deutscher Verein" To my horror find that Reinhold L. Herman is on the overdue steamer "Ems" on her way from Bremen to NewYork. H. L. Kleber also introduced Mr. Whitcomb of Baltimore the new lessee of the store at 114 East 14th str. F. Grote & Co building to whom I must lease for one year Pay to John Weimann & Strauss $100. for tickets to the German Press Club Opera performance April 9th and D. V. Becker for Concert April 30th Concert


April 1st Sund.

Bismarcks birthday. Mr Martin Dodge calls, brings a letter from Governor McKinley as to Daimler Motor Railway Comp for & new Euclid Creek and City of Cleveland. L.v.B. & I have quite
