The Diary

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NewYork, April 15th 1894.


and wife call, I examine their Agreement with Henry Chaffee for purchase of a house on W. 70th street. Wm A. Hardt lies very low with Pneumonia at Deutscher Verein, so Mr. R. v Bernuth telephones at 12 M. Drive out with L.v.Bernuth to Bowery Bay (considerable damage by the recent hurricane done to the beach) Steinway, see T. F. Kraemer burned down house, a good many peple in the cars, then through Park to Deutscher Verein where we learn to our sorrow that Wm. A. Hardt died at 3 P.M. Home in evg, play Skat with L. +C. v. Bernuth, +Henry A. Cassebeer jr. come out even. Mrs. John Poggenburg + Miß Rippe called yesterday

April 16th 1894. Mond.

Beautiful spring day, am at St. Hall all day. Alfred D. Moulton who called last friday night + was told by McCabe that they had accepted his resignation. Moulton calls again today and I told him that J.L. Crimmins wanted to see him Thursday next at noon. Mrs. Poggenburg & Miss Rippe call, latter sings quite nicely though with a small voice. Rapid Transit bills are in a great muddle in the Legislature, and it looks as though neither of them would pass. R. H. Adams calls

April 17th Tuesd.

Had loose bowels yesterday, and took Ginger Ale with brandy several times. Slept fairly well. Drove to Sohmer +Co. learn that their case is on. Then drive to St. Hall, learn to my sorrow that Charles H. St. not only has a bad sore throat but the diptheria. Drive to Court of Common Pleas, find case before Judge Bischoff, meet Sohmer, Dietz, Assemblyman Sohmer, and Saml Hazelton Am for about 10 Minutes on the stand and testify for Sohmer &Co. Return at noon to St. Hall, and work hard, having many visitors, E. Leonhardt, E. Auerbach, L. Hupfauf, V. Franck +c. Yesterday young Kaps called desiring to see our factory Home in evg working. Yesterday my son George also came to St. Hall, he still limps and must be careful. My Grandson causes us much merriment by his antics. Ernest Knabe died at Baltimore this morning


April 18th Wed.

Remain home all day to work but had a stream of visitors also conferences with Stetson, Harry D. Low +c. In evg drive to Ottendorfer, play Skat with him, May + Trautmann, have quite a jolly time, I lose 80 Cents. Receive notice of death of little Ewald v. Blumenthal 1¾ years old, my grand Nephew, at Langensalza. Wm. A. Hardts funeral takes place at 4 P.M. L.v.B. +wife attend same
