The Diary

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NewYork, May 1st 1894.

May 1st Tuesd.

Very busy. St+S. dividend due &payable. Anton Seidl & Krehbiel called, Seidl is willing to cooperate with Damrosch. Am at L.K. in evg, my letter did not reach Damrosch so he is not there. John C. Freund arrested on complaint of Sommer, is being bailed out by Hugo Sohmer, Frank Rhoner & Co made an assignment Proposed Courtland Palmer as Member of Liederkranz

May 2d Wed.

Herald brings interview with me about Seidl +Damroschs fusion. Ran down to Rapid Transit Session to get money for the employees. Chamber of Commerce sends a strong delegation to Albany to appear before Governor Flower urging him to sign bill. Arrive home at 4 P.M. Walter Damrosch called regretting that Seidl who called at St. Hall withdrew altogether He calls again in evg, having set up subscription list, which I correct, and make more definite. Am pestered all day by Newspaper reporters

May 3d Thursd.

Remain at St. Hall home to work. McCabe, Mrs. Kessler E. Leonhardt +C A.M. Britting & M. Maurer, E. Schmidt and Reporters prevent me from working much. Home in evg, where Reporters also overrun me at night. .

May 4. friday.

Remain home all day, working, am also delayed by McCabe, Mrs. Kessler, work with Phil. Burkard on Louisa A. St & Riekchen P. Kreischer statements. My son Willie comes from Garden City on a Visit ot two days. Newspapers ad had the Notice that I was elected Member of the Royal St. Cecilia Academy, Rome, Italy. A beautiful members diploma also arrives Gave Walter C. Foster a letter to Gouvernor Flower asking him to sign tunnel under Newtown Creek—bill


May 5th sat.

Very busy all day and hard at work. In evg at Louisa A. St. house with LvB +wife to supper, very pleasant party

May 6th sund.

Rainstorm in forenoon and at night, I remain home and work all day and evg. Willie leaves at 6 P.M. for Garden City

May 7th Mond.

Very warm, am almost pestered to death by mendicants. At 2 P.M. to Rapid Transit. They are all there, also Bowers. Approve of Bowers bill of $4000. Then drive over Brooklyn around Brooklyn City Hall & back home. In evg family party at Fritz T. St. I sing and make some speeches, keeping all in a roar