The Diary

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NewYork, May 8th 1894.

May 8th Tuesd.

Remain home til noon. Get up letters for Walter Damrosch who goes to Europe pr. seamer Normannia Thursday and Richard H. Adams who sails for Antwerp tomorow Steamer "Noordland". Cashier Lohmann of Brooklyn was yesterday sentenced to 7 years and 4 months States prison. Constitutional convention meets at Albany, Choate elected Pres. Croker said to be desirous of withdrawing from leadership of Tammany Hall. In evg am at L.K. first time for 16 months in Rehearsal room. little festival for Adams, I also make brief speech

May 9th Wed.

Excessively busy. Had a long conference with Jas. McGovern relative to sale of N.Y. &College Point Ferry Co. Harry +L.v.B. on board of our steamer Priscilla on her trial trip. Captain Clark and Otto Sutro of Baltimore brought me $50.000 face value as security for my endorsement on Sutros Notes. At Ottendorfers lose $135


May 10th Thursd.

Lovely day. In morning drive with baberich up 5th Ave. 42d str. 7th Ave to store Am very busy all day. Home in evg. working til 10 PM
Yesterday Richard H. Adams went pr. "Noordland" via Antwerp with his son in law "Saacke" through Harry D. Low renewed lease of Irving place Theatre for 3 years with Conried yesterday, gave Walter Damrosch letter to Pollini and a general letter. Damrosch, Conried and my niece Mrs. Julia Cassebeer (she with her two youngest children) sailed this A.M. with steamer "Normannia"


May 11th friday.

Remain home all day working. At 5 P.M. George Hill comes and we fix up description of deed to Oakes, L.v.B. fixes up answers to McGovern enquiries as to proposed purchase of N.Y. & College Point Ferry. final receipts arrive from Mrs. v. Sandels Sweden. Hold a Board of Trustee Meeting St+S. at my house from 11-1 o'clock all five of us present. Young Peabody calls on me, wants to get a loan of $30.000 (will see Cashier Rogers tomorrow morning) for Steinway Railway Company

May 12th sat.

Lovely day. At 9 A.M. drive to dwelling of Richard Rug 52 W. 25th look with Mr. Hahn at "Sommer" piano No 4043, a shameful abortion of a piano it also has a Trademark similar to ours. Then testify in criminal suit of Sommer vs. Freund at Jefferson Market before Judge McMahon. Then to St Hall see McGovern who will let us know by Tuesday whether his customer wants to do anything towards purchase of N.Y. & College Point Ferry. At. 4 P.M. drive with Cotterill via Riverside & Central Park & talk over Harbuckle lawsuits with him. L.v.B. Chas H. St. and others with Daimler Motor boat to Larchmont, pleasant trip. Carl v. B. with us in evg, I work