The Diary

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NewYork, May 13th 1894.

May 13th Sunday.

Lovely day, drive with L.v.Bernuth past Mrs. L. A. St. house he hands her statements for Ella & Est. Al.St. We then drive via 34th str. Ferry, St. Ave. still badly blocked by sewer building, drive out Flushing Ave, follow oblique track over Peters land, drive to Piney Woods, meet Wm. H. Williams & Walter C. Foster, then to Grand Pier, boats are overcrowded and cars terribly so. We then drive through Bowery to Thompson ave, through latter thoroughfare to Court house, arrive home at 7 P.M. My son Theodore came from school yesterday. To dinner with us were Richd Ranft jr. wife and child. Astoria and especially "Steinway" looks charming in its beautiful May green Yesterday Alex Williams told me Harbuckle realized the fact that he, in case he prevailed in the will suit, would give methe full control of the business and was wild over it

May 14th Monday.

Receipts on Ferry with two boats yesterday $605./00 on the cars the unprecedented sum of $2000. and today business is also good on both. I work hard at St. Hall, at 10 A.M. in Bk of the Metropolis as to loan to $30.000. by the Steinway Railway Comp. In evg at 8 P.M. to Louisa A. St. house, this day 17 years ago poor Albert St. died of typhoid fever. Louisa &I talk over statement for Ella Schmidt which I brought her last sunday. Jas. McGovern called again today.

May 15th Tuesday.

At St. Hall all day and very busy. Mrs. Louisa A. St. and her sister Miß Friderieke P. Kreischer sail for Europe in steamer "Spree" C. F. Schmidt + wife, Sigfr. Gruner +family also sail in same steamer. In evg at L.K. Great excitement about Dirigentenwahl and bitter opposition to Heinrich Zoellner, who is however finally elected by 138 agt 93 votes


May 16th Wed.

In the morning remain home trying to work, get up Oakes deed, a lot of people call. At 1.15 P.M. drive with baberich and his nurse up 5th Ave to 42d str. down 7th Ave. to 13th str. to St. Hall. Baberich is very lively. In evg at 7 P.M. to Ottendorfer, play Skat, we laugh a great deal, promise Ottendorfer under no circumstances to run for Mayor, lose 94 cents in Skat

May 17th Thursd.

Today by steamer "Fürst Bismarck" sail Richard Ranft, jr wife and child, Oswald Ottendorfer and Adolph Schalk & family. I work home in forenoon. Paula receives a very pleasant letter from Mrs. Emily von Bernuth in Europe. Cabled to Richard H. Adams Steamer Noordland result of Dirigenten Wahl in Liederkranz +to Antwerp. I am again badly pestered by mendicants by letter and in