The Diary

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NewYork, May 17th 1894.


person. Yesterday at 6 P.M. a large Committee of the Heimbund called on and handed me a beautiful Album showing my appointment as honorary member of said Society. Drive to Bk of the Metropolis, obtain grant of loan of $30.000. to Steinway Railway Co. then drive with baberich to 59th str, down 7th Ave home. Francis J. Oakes calls I arrange terms of sale with him of 4-2 7/100 lots. In evg F. Kübler calls talks about purchasing, with G. Daimler, the assets of the Daimler Motor Comp. Our telephone No in the Steinway Mansion is "74 Astoria" Normannia arr. Southampton with Julia Schmidt +others

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May 18th 1894. friday.

At St. Hall all day. from 11 A.M. In forenoon home—fix up memorandum on Everhart suit, see W. R. Christmas and fix up Oakes matter with him. At 4.30 P.M. drive to Kaemmerers house 234 E. 62d street, call for R. L. Herman, drive with him to Trinity Cemetery via Riverside drive, have a good long talk with him arrive home in 14. min & work til 10 P.M. Dommerich wrote to me asking interview with Geheimrath Langen I wrote Dommerich would see him monday or Tuesday afternoon

May 19th sat.

At St. Hall all day. Working hard all day. Dr. Satterlee calls. It Rains in forenoon, cleaing up in afternoon. Execute St. + S. deed to Oakes Mfg Co of 422/10 lots incl. dock. In afternoon at 5 P.M. walk without crutch or cane from my desk at St. Hall to 16th str. & Irving pl. perspiring heavily I enter my carriage drive to Gramercy Park on 20th to which I swear &subscribe before him as Notary. Within a couple of weeks heavy gold shipments have taken place to Europe, but without exciting uneasiness

George H. Williamson of L. Isl. City died suddenly at Steinway today

May 20th Sund.

Weather stormy, East wind, have somewhat loose bowels. Dr. Wm. de Kraft of Standard Gas light suit memory was arrested yesterday and locked up in a cell on complaint of having swindled John A. Angler of 204 E. 16th street out of $10.000. Ferdinand v. Inten and wife with me to dinner. I keep them in a roar with my jew jokes. Do a good deal of work, and write important letters. Found two prizes at St. Pauls School, Garden City together of $50. for the best pupils in German. Old Toussaint calls and tells me that his son Herman is now at last out of danger. Business is still wretched
