The Diary

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NewYork + Astoria, August 6th 1894.

Aug. 6th Mond.

Ideal day, am very busy and am early at St. Hall, passing Harbuckle on 5th Ave. Send $250 to St. Johns Guild, $150 to the N.Y. Evg World sick babies fund $150. to N.Y. Herald free Icefund in advance of my receiving the $6.250. for the Rapid Transit Com. J. Otto Toussaint calls in great distress, give him $100. Alga Smith calls, also Mrs. Byrd neè Franko. The N.Y. Sun yesterday had a long article on the 4 Amateur Athletes, Curtis, Oelrichs, Burmeister & Wm. Steinway, describing some of my former feats of strength. At Mansion in ev'g with L.v.B. working. My daughter intercepted a love letter from a little girl Elsie Bowne to my Willie

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August 7th Tuesd.

To store early, busy all day, in evg take supper at Lüchows, then to L.K. play Skat with Adams, Hoffmann +Jacob Kaemmer, win 18 Cts. then with J. Kammer +Breitwieser, lose 40 Cts. Arrive at Mansion 12.15 A.M. This days Herald &Staatszeitung have elegant articles on my donation, the latter mentioning also my donation to the Musikverein, Milwaukee. H.H. Walker and Roentgen called, but I tell them that Race track, it at all will not be commenced to be built until Oct 1st. L.v.B. to Arverne

Aug 8th Wed.

Lovely day. Work at Mansion. Feel light in my feet +knees and walk better than since beginning of my sickness. Henry Ingersoll Riker, son of the late Samuel S. Riker, calls and we talk as to B.B.Bg+Impt Co paying rent for water taken and to be taken, also renting the whole Riker farm. He agrees to communicate with his Uncles Samuel Riker and John L. Riker, the latter now in Europe. At 2 P.M. drive with L.v.B., Burden + Leonard Smith to Westchester Race track, a glorious structure, on way back meet my old friends Mr. +Mrs. Geritzen who keep a drugstore at Westchester. Paula & Julia Cassebeer to supper with us, having come from Arverne. Great flurry and upward tendency in prices of corn. The management of Congress as to the tariff business still keeps business in a wretched condition

Aug 9th Thursd.

At St. Hall early, busy all day, Have a number of Visitors and am badly importuned by mendicants. Even Bockstover gives me a call and wants to borrow $500 which ^I decline. Carl Rudolph +L.v.Bernuth at Mansion for supper. Play Skat win $120/100