The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 27th 1894.

Novbr. 27th Tuesd.

Work home in forenoon, Beautiful day. The German American Reform Union are also on the Warpath agt Col. Fellows the district Attorney. At Rapid Transit in afternoon Baberich along, enjoys Elevator ride greatly, in evg from 6½-8 P.M. at Louisa A. St. to dinner, eat "Gänseschwanz" Louisa sick in bed, eat with Riekchen, then to L.K. play Skat with J. Kammerer, Hoffmann Adams, lose 96 Cents. death of Fürstin Bismarck at Varzin
death of Fürstin Bismarck aged 70 years at Varzin

Novbr. 28th Wed.

Cold beautiful day, at St. Hall til 3 P.M. then to Bank Meeting at Bk of the Metropolis, then home, work all evg. In forenoon Mrs. Kate Weber calls on me, in despair about the escapade of her son Albert who had married a Miss Tiedemann + now is at war with her. Albert Weber also called on pianomatter that he had bought of us and not paid for Emperor William II said to have a severe cold. Harry E. Freund sends proof of my Rubinstein Article which reads splendidly. I could walk much better today, though right knee is still red +swollen, and Masseur Grafstrom has been sick til since Novbr. 19th. On monday last I recd News that my old friend Philipp Mayer died about Novbr. 10th at Freiburg im Breisgau, with whom I sang the Quartett Solo in Beethovens 9th Symphony Novbr. 9th 1859, I also cause an Obituary Notice of him to be printed in Freunds Weekly. My son Willie came from school looks splendidly

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Funeral of Anton Rubenstein at Peterhoff, Russia

Novbr 29th 1894.

Thanksgivingday, Thursday. Am working from early morning til 11 P.M. Have a long talk with Cotterill as to Ingrahams decisionin will case, the Judge being evidently at sea in some aspects of the case. We also talk about the Harbuckle case agt W. St. & St+Sons about Hamburg business and made an appointment for Saturday forenoon at St. Hall with Menzl, Brand and others. Today is a beautiful day. We have one Turkey, I can walk better than ever before since I fell sick, all my children except the oldest are with me and well, as I make a little speech and bring a toast. George is still seriously ill in Mamaroneck, his wife and children having some weeks ago moved to the City 85th str. & 5th Avenue

Novbr. 30th frid.

Excessively busy all day, Paid off B.B.B. +Impt Co. Mtge bal. of $15.500. to Mary A. Dougles. Julia E. Becker sings for me, has a fine voice work in evg til 11 P.M. and get off many letters