The Diary

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NewYork, January 1st 1895.

Jan'y 1st Tuesd.

Drive at 9 A.M. to St. Hall, work all day til 6 P.M. with Cotterill +Hoyt on brief of Fabrik case, and our defense on the case agt the Trustees, cannot see even Scharwenka who calls with his wife, sent for a little Turkey to Lüchows. In evg home, work til 11.15 P.M. L.v.B. his wife and Willie +Theodor at Irving place Theatre, recd an avalanche of NewYears greetings from Europe and local acquaintances. Work home hard in evg

Jan'y 2d Wed.

Weather mild +clear. Work til 1 P.M. home, König of the Staatszeitung calls and takes down my dictation as to Julius Hoffmanns career +25th Anniversary bus. Manager of German Society Miss Maurer called, but have not time for her. Mrs. J. O. Toussaint is to lunch with us. Drive to Rapid Transit Com. short session, Starin, Low, and Mayor Strong not there. Then to St. Hall, have a long session with Cotterill, Chas. H. & FredT. St. + Henry Ziegler on Harbuckle case agt Trustees. Judge Ingraham renders decision in Will case, that referee is to be computed, disbursement +compensation to Executors and referees fees to be deducted and 1/3 to be given to me, 1/3 to Doretta Ziegler, and 1/9 to Chas. H. St. Fredk T. St. and Harbuckle. Home in evg working

Jany 3d Thursd.

At St. Hall early, both Cotterill & Hoyt hard at work on Harbuckle case agt Trustees. Alfred Erbe died this morning. Governor Mortons Message favorably received. General stampede of Tammany Office Holders resigning. R. T. McCabe with me last eveg, he is about to buy control of Patrick J. Gleasons road. Am at BankofMetropolis this afternoon, look over accounts there. Cotterill examined Henry C. Johnson of Astoria as expert on property at my Office. Philip Burkard is unfortunately quite ill and did not come to St. Hall today. Staatszeitung has a charming article on Julius Hoffmann as dictated by me, also has a good picture of him Home in evg working

Jany 4th frid.

Work hard all day. Deny admittance to all except Mrs. Kate Weber and Mr. Frank Thomson Vice Pres. of the Penn. R.R. who sees me on L. Road extension to Courtland str. Ferry. Work all day with Cotterill + Hoyt, their brief in Hamburg case finished at 7.15 P.M. L.v.B. wife +my boys to Theatre. I work in evening til 11 PM