The Diary

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NewYork, Jany 13th 1895


seems to have been a fine affair, Misses Freisinger, Monteith, von Moltke, and Anton Schott assisting, Hall being overcrowded. J. Otto Toussaint called in forenoon. At 2 P.M. start with L.v.B. via 34th str. Ferry to Steinway, visit Daimler Motor Comp. with a view to building an addition to factory. On returning stop at L.K. attend Meeting of Music Comp. home in Snowsquall at 6 P.M. Carl v. Bernuth + son with us to Supper, they and L.v.B. play Skat, I work on Harbuckle case agt Trustees of St +Sons. The Pencoyd Bridge + Construction of Philadelphia, is reported in "The Sun" as having been awarded the Iron work and construction of the N.Y. +Lg Isl. Bridge and Percival Roberts jr. of that Comp. states that it wll be done in the summer of 1897. Chancellor Hohenlohe and son today visited Fürst Bismarck and his son Herbert. Intensely cold in evg


Jany. 14th Mond.

Again all day busy preparing with Cotterill for last Harbuckle suit agt Trustees, at 4.30 P.M. Hoyt also comes in. Towards 6 P.M. Mr. McCabe + Peabody come in as to my helping to carry out their purchase of P. J. Gleasons road. At home meet Reinhold L. Herman, who sees me about Operatic Ideas of Dr. Loewe in Breslau for this fall in NewYork. Great strike on all the lines of the street Cars in Brooklyn, all cars being tied up since 5 A.M. today. Home in evg. working. L.v.B. +Paula, at Louisa A. Steinways house for supper & evg. Dr. Müller, Schwab + Heinrich Zoellner called on L.K. public Concert March 20th also Emil Gramm and wife, also M. Steinert, also Otto Sutro
Am elected Trustee of Miriam Osborn Memorial Home Association

Jany 15th Tuesd.

Beautiful day. Awake with a headache, and my left knee is sore. Work til 12.30. P.M. with Cotterill, then get shaved then lunch at Messerschmieds, meet Schwarz, Nembach and John C. Freund there. Then to Rapid Transit Com. Meet McCabes Man and endorse St. Rway Comp Notes for $10.000 + $10000 + $5000. at 4 mos. to be returned to me in Bonds of the Newtown Rway Comp. Berrians Island said to have been sold under foreclosure + bankrupt Ed. Woolsey quite ill in bed. Loaned MarieGina $135.27 Learn that Hill, Harbuckle lawyer, is sick in bed + will not be able to attend this trial Tomorrow. Home in evg writing +working. Gustav Burkard gets married today to a jewish girl. Emperor William II opened Prussian Landtag in person at Berlin today. Strike in Brooklyn extends to all surface lines. Mrs. Warrendorff calls, wants me to oppose License to Corey for 115 East 14th street. Henry A. &