The Diary

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NewYork, January 15th 1895.

Julia Cassebeer to supper with us, and then they to Theatre "Orientreise"

Jany 16th Wed.

Rain, Snow +Slush which however does not deter my Grandson from going out with me in my carriage, same as he does every morning. Work all day with Cotterill. Learn that Hill is still sick, and that a new case is on before Judge Beekman, it seems that our case may not come up before end of this week. Josh Schmidt, + young Warrendorff and later on Mrs. Warrendorff see me again about opposing Coreys license for 115 East 14th street. I had written on a card to Eugene L. Bushe, Excise Com. This evg, Louisa A. St. Mr+Mrs. Chas. F. Schmidt, Oscar v. B. (Sport) took supper with us they went to Lyceum Theatre, I work. President Casimir-Periere resigned his position as President of the Republic of France yesterday, causing quite an exitement. Strike in Brooklyn unchanged it seems the strikers are weakening

Jany 17th Thursd.

Papers state that lots of cranks appeared before the Rapid Transit Commission yesterday with new Plans. Work with Cotterill all day at suit. Lunch at Lüchows with him. At 5 P.M. Committee comes from L.K. and presents me with a fine portrait in Oil of myself, which is to be placed in library of Liederkranz. It is painted by Carl Gerhardt. Strike in Brooklyn of surface roads nearing its end by mutual concessions. L.v.B. + Paula to supper at R.v.B. house. Still great commotion in France as to electing a successor to Casimir-Perier. Weather beautiful today. L.K. Com.consisted of Julius Hoffmann, Richard H. Adams and Wm. Vigelius. Clement Gould of Naphtha Launches died yestoday. Work til eleven o'clock

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Jany 18th frid.

Beautiful day, snowing in ev'g. To St. Hall at 9 A.M. Work with Cotterill on Harbuckle case, we lunch at Lüchows, see Mr. Schütz de Reske bus. Manager. At 2.30 P.M. hold Bollman Bros. Co. Meeting in Stetsons Office, declare 6% dividend, reelect last years board + same officers Stetson suffers greatly by a smashed thumb. It now seens that we will surely come on next Tuesday, provided Hill, Harbuckles counsel will be well enough. I work in evg until midnight, I am dreadfully pestered by Mendicants, who try all conceivable ways to get at me