The Diary

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NewYork, January 19th 1895.

Jan 19. sat.

Snow, slippery, at St. Hall from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Constant stream of howling despairing mendicants, Leopold Smith, DeCamps, Britting, Bird, Aug. Spanuth, I. Trenkmaurer +c.38 Cotterill, Hoyt, Irion + Burkard working all day on Real Estate account of "Steinway" Lg. Isl. City. Home in evg working, long visit from Reinhold L. Herman. Foster of Chickgs had a long confab with Nahum Stetson today. The whole Militia of Brooklyn called out against the strikers, who are becoming violent. Ministerial crisis continues in France. Small Revolution of the Royalists in Honolulu promptly squelched. I helped Marie Gina to get back to Austria. J. Grimm also called. L.v.B. +Paula at Fritz T. Steinways for supper this evening. Oscar Lang also called. Yesterday Felix Faure was elected President of France. Business is alarmingly dull all over the Country and the greatest distress prevails. Even with us business has become quiet since NewYear

Jany 20th Sunday.

Lovely day. At 9.30 A.M. drive with my Grandson "Bum" to St. Hall, work til 6 P.M. with Nitschke & Irion on the R.E. accounts of N.Y. +LgIsl. City, At 2.30 P.M. Cotterill comes in, wild because he cannot find some of his papers. C.v.B. home to Supper with us, I work to nearly eleven. During the past few weeks Kleber has been setling out a great deal of F. Grote +Co. stock, fixtures +c. and having paid all the debts, has already paid 2½ prct. to the Stockholders of their capital


Jany 21st Mond

gloomy foggy day, at store til 6 P.M. cannot do much work, George H. Smith tells Cotterill what he knows, receiving direct orders from Harbuckle excavating from 1877 til 1886, filling up Riker Avenue from East of creek from Ehret Ave. + Silverspring lake. L.v.B. Kübler + my son Theodore to Biycicles Exhibition Madison Square Garden. I am home in evg. working. Since yesterday 7th +other N.Y. Regiments ordered to Brooklyn, where strikers are quite violent and all business is destroyed. L.v.B. learned through Dr. Carpenter that George can dress himself alone, can walk about outside, but that his Memory is still badly affected. It now seems that our case will be reached before Judge Beekman at recess tomorrow, Tuesday. Mrs. Addie Ziegler is quite ill in bed

Jany 22d Tuesd.

Peckham claims to be engaged in Brooklyn, so in will case takes its place. Am at Rapid Transit in afternoon, nice party of 16 persons at my house, Adolf Vietor+wife, Achelis +wife, R. C.v.B. Meisener +wife, Stursberg +wife +c. make a nice