The Diary

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NewYork, Febr. 2d 1895.


Katie now attends to him. E. v. Moltke also called, also Paul Loeser with whom I had quite an extended chat, also about Ottendorfer, who, he thought, was rapidly nearing his end. Home in evg working
Charles H. St. +Nahum Stetson depart for Chicago in afternoon, to attend Lyon, Potter +Co. Meeting on Monday. Business has during the past month dwindled down very much and is now very unsatisfactory throughout the trade

Febr 3d Sund.

Beautiful sunny day. Yesterday Nathan Strauss resigned as Forest Com. Only 20 persons, among them but one woman, were saved from the unfortunate steamship “Elbe” and 334 persons only were saved. The East Side Bank was closed yesterday, and in Evening the banquet of the Lotos club in honor of Anton Seidl (to which I was invited but did not go) is said to have been a fine affair. Quite a fight between Recorder Goff and the other three Judges of the Court of General Session viz. Martine, Cowing and Fitzgerald as to the appointing power. Sheriff Tamsen also seems to be in a peck of trouble and is accused of incompetency on all sides. Yesterday also called Mr. Hetzel Herman E. Kleber, but I tell both that I shall not loan a penny to Hetzel or any body else to continue the F. Grote +Co. business. Have long consultation with F. Kübler + with L.v.B. in foreoon as to Daimler Motor Company Matters, and their projected building. At 2 P.M. Recd Despatfch from Jackson, Mich, that Charles H. St. & Nahum Stetson have safely arrived there, two hours behind time, Urchs with them. C.v.B. +his son are with us to dinner, Toussaint also called in forenoon. Play Skat with L.v.B. C.v.B. and Henry A. Cassebeer, win 10 Cents. H. A. Cassebeer +wife with us to supper


Febr. 4th Mond.

Tretbar sick in bed. Learn through L.v.B. that my son George has made great strides towards perfect recovery. I am the only one who can sign checks now. Business is very dull all at once. Am visited by many peple, Mrs. Herman Behr v. Moltke, R. Franko, Louise Wilbrandt and Anna Zuszinsks play before me, A. Rippe Artist Johnson +Rodgers of the Atlantic Publ. Comp. Towards evg Hoyt also calls, also Mrs. Edward J. Woolsey, also Mrs. Kessler. Home in evg working It has grown quite cold in evg. Ths evg. a large Anti Platt and Anti Lexow Mass meeting is being held. Yesterday all the fine Billiard Rooms were raided by the Police
