The Diary

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NewYork, Febr. 5th 1895.

Febr. 5th Tuesd.

Clear cold day. Tretbar up again. Very busy, lunch at Messerschmieds with Richard Ranft jr. & Louis v. Bernuth, to Rapid Transit Session all present, except Claflin and Mayor Strong. Contractors McDonald + Kelly appear before the Com. We make session a public one, let them make explanations, we then direct our counsel to prepare resolution for the adoption of our old route Home from 5 to 7.45 P.M. write a number of letters, to L.K. at 8 P.M. meet A. Flachsenhaar, then Signor Tamagno + Signor LeGrande, who with Vice Consul Gumprecht remain til 11 P.M. amusing themselves splendidly. I play Skat with Adams +Hoffmann, afterwards Dexter, win 60 Cents

Febr. 6th Wed.

Intensely cold. Papers all full of Rapid Transit matters, generally approving our action. Am served with a most ludicrous complaint by Otto Wissner praying for an injunction against us as to Madame Emil Paurs recitals. Consult with Horatio C. King, Fryer +Tretbar about it. Have many calls, viz. E. Schneider, Mrs. Hammer. M. Maurer, Power of removal bill is passed by Assembly concurring in the Senate Amendments. For several days I have been able to walk across 14th street to Messerschmidts without any help whatever. I feel in splendid health with strong appetite look rosy +healthy, the gouty instep of my foot makes me limp slightly as yet. The members of the German Opera, Rosa Sucher, Oberhauser +c. left Bremen by Steamer Saale yesterday and Southampton today. Deputy Collector Joseph Keller called today and explained to me the Income tax law. Work til 11 PM.

Febr. 7th Thursd.

Look at Dr. Wm Mason & Mary E. Garlichs room. Heavy snowstorm with piercing cold sets in increasing in violence. Am called upon by many people, Ettlinger Knapp +Lindenmeyer call, also S. Trenkmann, Carrie Hirschmann, Madame Emil Paur. Yesterday a german woman wrote me anonymously for a present of $3000, to save her from disgrace, today she repeated the request beng both times refused of course. Paid off Low loan at The State Trust Comp. and make arrangements to sell my stock, not believing that the Comp. is making money under Bangs Presidency. Home in evg. working ‘Bum’ and Theodore having slightly sore throats. I am somewhat apprehensive as to Stetson + Chas. H. St. who are en route from Chicago in the intense cold and Snow storms along the Lake Shore R.R. Our College Point Ferry also runs only with extremely difficulty, on acct of heavy ice drifts in the River. Justice