The Diary

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NewYork, March 28th 1895.


Art Industry” and though narrowing scope greatly make a fine speech which is frequently interrupted by applause. McKelway speaks on Music of the future, Reed of Chicago on “Chicago Trade Association, Alfred Dolge on “reminiscences”, Chauncey M. Depew on “Harmony” J. Seaver Page on “Possibilities: Franklin Murphy on “Our Kindred Trades” Henry E. Krehbiel on the Musical Critic. At 12.20 I dismiss the Company, who were all very much gratified, and it certainly was one of the most enjoyable banquets, without a single hitch or disappointment

March 29th frid.

Warmer weather, papers generally mention affair of last night. Blumenberg has an extra edition of the Banquet with all the speeches, mine nearly correct, although I spoke on the spur of the moment. Lunch at Lüchows where it is conceded that last night was a fine affair in every respect. Home in evg working til 11 P.M. Among the callers at St. Hall was M. F. Sinclair. Kübler called in ev'g, discussing a cablegram from Gottlieb Daimler.

| D

March 30th sat

All day at St. Hall, lunch at Lüchows, many visitors call, among them Carl Schurz, D. Bird, An. Spanuth. towards evg. Cotterill and Hoyt, all trustees present, Cotterill reads “Brief” in Harbuckle case by his lawyer in the last case agt St +S. Trustees, quite a weak thing, and as usual full of lies & pervertions and misquotation from the testimony. We also talk about closing of our books, having made about $268.000. during 1894. We decide on a dividend of 10 percent and our usual extra salaries for services performed. Home in ev’g working. Business is steadily improving both at wholesale and retail. I look rosy cheeked and feel well, though the gout in my right foot where it joins the leg seems to be well nigh immovable notwithstanding the daily massage extended to me by Dr. Grafstrom. Fredk Palmer today sold my 100 shares in The State Trust Comp. at 178. deliverable next monday

March 31st Sunday.

Work in forenoon. Lovely day. At 2 P.M. drive with L.v. Bernuth via Harlem Bridge to F. Grote Mansion, then via Washington Bridge down the Boulevard past German Club to L.K. Attend Stimmführer conference regarding Heinrich Zoellner whose offensive language causes him many enemies