The Diary

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NewYork, April 12th 1895.


all the afternoon. Herr v. Holwede seems to be dreadfully troubled about Mrs. Dora Petersons action in trumpeting all over that she had been designated by Me to set up Grand +play it

April 13th sat.

Rainy weather, I remain in bed all day in consequence thereof. At 3.30 P.M. have St+S. directors Meeting all present. Business is quite good at retail but very poor at wholesale as yet. Urchs writes an interesting letter from Mexico, which shows that Wagner & Levien are about the only house there in our line fit to deal with. My Paula has arranged a nice childrens party to Barnums circus, Willie is home and participates in it it. Reinhold L. Herman called +had a long conference


April 14th sund.

Get up about 10 A.M. and walk heavily on crutches to the front room. Weather beautiful. Sit up in front room all day, children in afternoon are looking for eastereggs and are overjoyed at the sport. J. O. Toussaint calls and after pestering me for two hours finally borrows $150 a gain. L.v.B. & Paula drive to Steinway, Willie goes to Garden City School at 6 P.M. I retire at 8. AM

April 15th Mond.

Again sit up all day. Like yesterday lovely weather. Easter Sunday was celebrated all over, especially the Germans yesterday. Temple Emanu El celebrated its 50th Aniversary friday, yesterday and sunday. George C. Allan of Melbourne, Australia, had a long interview from 2-4 P.M. Chas. A. Kittle called, got $500. loan on Mortgage from me, Richd H. Adams calls, also Alfred D. Moulton who gets a letter to Mayor Strong from me. Retire about 9.15 P.M. and sleep quite well, awakening only twice during the night