The Diary

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NewYork, April 16th 1895.

April 16th Tuesd.

Weather raw, improvement in my walking only slight. Sit up in front room from 11 A.M. Am called upon by two polish Jews, named Beald + Jos. Mandelkern, employed in the Equitable Gas Light Comp. wanting a donation of a piano for their fair, May 4th next, which I refuse. The Atlantic Steamers “Fürst Bismarck” and “Normannia” are too small long to be locked through the Nord Ostsee Canal. Under an immense throngthe Income tax return limit closed last night. Immigration again takes large proportions after a pause of nearly two years. Max Kastner of Adolph Burkard called, Kastner borrows $400. Mr. Stetson also called in relation matters in Mexico & Allan of Melbourne, Australia. latter calls again at 2 P.M. and I finally consent to leave Agency with them if they can find a Bank to consent to our consigning to Allan+Co. Lmtd Melbourne. In ev’g Henry A. Cassebeer +wife to supper+ to Theatre with L.v.Bernuth +Paula. Miss Julia Cassebeer also called. My left knee is quite painful in walking, and even with crutches I get along very slowly.

April 17th Wed.

Beautiful cool day. Slept splendidly. Sit up in front room from 11 A.M. corrected answering Brief of Cotterill in which he points out Hill’s misstatements. Chas. H. St. & Ottilie C. Steinway call in forenoon. Rafael Joseffy said to be furious that we want him to work off his indebtedness. Yesterday Reinhold C. Herman and J. A. Rottershaus sailed for Germany pr. “Saale”. Today Marc A. Blumenberg called in great excitement about M. Steinerts suit agt him +the Musical Courier. My knees do not seem to improve although I feel quite well. Fixed up Hetty J. Vietors account up to date. Chief Justice Fuller denies Dr. Buchanans application for a new trial. The Rapid Transit bills seem to have passed Assembly +Senate and are now before Governor Morton. Retire at 10.30 P.M. My left knee hurts me badly

Gottlieb Daimler cabled Assignment signed, mailed

April 18th Thursd.

Lovely cool day. Left knee very painful. Sit up from 11 A.M. Nevin and Dr. Benedict call on me as to N.Y. & Long Isl. R.R. Tunnel in London, and opening an office there. Also called Mrs. Maurer, Mrs. Kessler+daughter Dr. Satterlee. Yesterdays Herald stated that in a caucus of 89 active Members of L.K. last Tuesday, but 10 opposed reelection of Heinrich Zoellner