The Diary

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NewYork, April 28th 1895.


quite favorably. Adam Weber also calls, tells me he is soon going to Europe. The three v. Bernuths play Skat, I have an attack of diarrhoe which I can manage, evidently caused by the pippin Cider. Toussaint also called in forenoon today

death of Jean Jos. Bott

April 29th Mond.

Rainy day, saw Steinert, then Blumenberg, then Steinert again. My gout seems a little better, though I must still be held by 2 persons while walking on crutches to the front room. Dora Burmeister Peterson cabled that she had played at Dresden before the king of Saxony on a Steinway Grand and offered same which was accepted by the king +c.+c. My son Theodore is very unruly at school and if frequently punished by having to stay after school. Work in evg it 10 PM

death of Charles Detloff |

April 30th Tuesday.

Remain in bed, Right heel being affected, consult with Chas. H. St. & Fred T. St. Dr. Schoedler also calls, try to get at our Income returns but am constantly interrupted. Mayor Strong approved Rapid Transit bill, which now rests with Governor Morton. Am flooded with European letters.

May 1st Wed.

Lovely coolday. Tretbar +Stetson call early as to doing Steinway Hall Chicago Opening, Joseffy being burnt out, and Bloomfield Zeissler sick. Stetson shows me a magnificent testimonial signed by the Reszke brothers. I am unable to rise until 2 P.M. although feeling much better, so many visitors crowd upon me, among them J. Foell, Misses de Camp. Isidor Keller, Marc A. Blumenberg +his lawyer, Morris Steinert and his lawyer Beach call and finally settle their lawsuit in an honorable way, in my library. Chas. F. Schmidt and his wife Ella F. Schmidt with us to supper. Police Census gives the population of the City of NewYork at 1.849.466. sexes almost alike, as there are about 750 more males than females. In Wiesbaden yesterday died Gustav Freytag, the great writer aged nearly 79 years

May 2d Thursd.

Feel better in both feet but the throng of people is so dreadful to see me that I can only leave bed at 2 P.M.