The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, June 21st 1895.

June 21st friday.

Fritz von Bernuth, my son in laws father, writes me that he resigned his position in Steinways Pianofabrik, on account of his failing eyesight. The Emperor last night at Kiel and in the presence of the most imposing fleet the world ever saw, and amid boundless enthusiasm laid the foundation stone at Holtenau and baptized the Canal “Kaiser Wilhelm Canal” I am at St. Hall all day excessively busy, Trenkmann, Valda Rippe, Florence E. Chase, Lily Toussaint, Dosche, Ida F. Grote, Aug. H. Grote called. Consultation between A. Roesler, Ottilie C. Steinway, Louis v. Bernuth, lawyer Cohen and myself from 4-5½ P.M. pretty well exhausted. Home at Mansion working in ev’g. Maud still has her bad cough


June 22d sat.

close moist day, remain at Mansion Festivities came to a grand termination at Kiel yesterday, with a parade of the fleet and a grand ball and illumination of all the vessels in Kiel harbor. Yesterday all the Tammany crew were notified that they were discharged from July 1st. At the Normal College Commencement last Thursday morning the William Steinway prizes $75 in Gold for the greatest progress in German were awarded to Miss Cecilia McGovern, and for greatest proficiency in German to Miss Sidonie Krüger. The William Steinway Diamond Medal was voted to Miss Florence Wells at Chicago Musical College. Was called on in forenoon by Adolph H. Burkard who surprises me with no less than about $1200 of bills for fixing up one house for him to live in on Ditmars Avenue. Called also Theron H. Burden, B. Newport, Nicolaus Nehrbauer, and Hedwig Krüsi and her younger sister. It seems to me that I am somewhat improving in my health, possible owing to my drinking several glasses of Newtown Pippin Cider pr. day, which I enjoy very much. At Garden City, St. Pauls school, W. B. Blackstone obtained the first prize and Lester L. Praher the second prize of the two prizes founded by myself in the sum of $5000/100. Gustave Burkard calls and introduces his wife to me. At 4 P.M. I drive out with “Bum” we stop at the Spring foot of Wolcott Avenue, and drink there, then through my Ravenswood property Work in evening til 10 oclock P M