The Diary

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NewYork &Astoria, June 25/95

June 25th Tuesday.

Lovely day. Yesterday Judge Brown decided that Chas. A. Dana cannot be extradited to Washington for libel. The resignation of the British Cabinet Roseberg run onward. Emperor William II visited a british Man of War yesterday. There being no Rapid Transit session I remain at Mansion and get up Codicil to my will, Rapid Transit article for N.Y. Staatsztg. Roosevelt Pres. of the Board of Police Com. is forcing things to enforce Excise law to an unbearable degree, and a large number of arrests every sunday as a consequence. Judge Monteverde of Newtown also makes himself very obnoxious in the same direction. My Willie and Theodore leave with Mr. J. Stevenson by 6 P.M. Central R.R. for Niagara Falls for the purpose of camping out and travelling. It is feared that the Empress Augusta Victoria is quite ill, she still being confined to bed at the Castle in Kiel


June 26th Wed.

At St. Hall all day, Brief consultation with Cotterill on my will and that of my son George. The de Camps from Phila. call, also Miss Danziger from Cinc. who plays before Anton Seidl in our grand room. Lorenz Geller calls + I give him a letter donating a Steinway Upright $750. as a prize for the Schützenfest, Louis Windmüller calls, wants me to drive with him at his house, Woodside. Harry D. Low had consultation with Dock Department as to temporary removal of College Point Ferry to 100th str. NewYork. In evg at Mansion play Skat with L.v.B. + Henry A. Cassebeer, win 30 Cents

June 27th Thursd.

Raining steadily, yet I feel better than at any time during my illness, and walk better. Remain at Mansion. Yesterday John C. Freund called and I had a long conversation with him at Steinway Hall. I accomplished a great deal of work at the Mansion today. letters to Europe +c

June 28th friday.

To St. Hall via 34th str. early. Get off mail to Europe, have long conference with Leo von Raven, Geo. W. Cotterill, also E. Leonhardt, Fl. Chase, M. L. Bailey, E. Schneider. Work home at Mansion in evg Also conferred with Klein of the Staatszeitung, Dr. Wm. Mason. Cotton Exchange at Liverpool gave John H. Inman a splendid dinner

June 29th sat.

Weather moist and close, remain at Mansion and work. Marquis of Salisbury has completed the new British Cabinet