The Diary

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NewYork + Astoria, July 1st 1895.

July 1st Monday.

To N.Y. early with Paula, am excessively busy all day Belle Newport lct +K. St. Burr called Helped the violinist Arthur Abell with $200. towards his studies in Berlin. Theodore Sutro + Mrs. Chrlotte Weber called and I had a long interview with him +her. In ev’g. reach home at Mansion via Central Park at 10.30 P.M. Had also a consultation with Stetson & Chas. H. St. about Smith+Nixon

July 2d Tuesd.

Yesterday sold Steinway Railway bonds at 103 net. The wife poisoner Dr. Buchanan was executed by electricity at Singsing yesterday and yesterdays procession of the Schuetzenbrüder from Union Square was quite imposing. The new Police Justices took their places in all the Police Courts yesterday, the old ones confined themseves to protesting. Yesterday Mrs. Anna Spanuth called and confided to me that she started a divorce suit against her husband, also mentioed to me the name of his new love. Robert Maclay was elected President of the Board of Education. I am getting up my new will and nearly finish it when Engelhard comes from Gustave H. Schwab with a paper commending Strongs +Roosevelts Sunday persecution. I refuse to sign it. Then come with F. G. Smith sen. + jr. to consult me about their will + partnership. Then drive out with “Bum” +his Katie, he this morning got a Billy goat and is wild with excitement, I paid Coachman John $6. for the goat. He insists upon taking the goat to bed with him, crying bitterly when his mama objects to it. In evg receive letter from Cornelia A Ruppert from Rhinebeck about Nahum Franko, the latter telegraphing me from Patterson N.J. that they are married and happy. In evg Kuebler calls

July 3d Wed.

Beautiful day. Last night North Beach was for the first time lighted up with electricity, the Company having put up its own plant in one month. To N.Y. early, have consultation with Stetson + Chas.C. St. The Franko-Ruppert marriage at Patterson is commented upon in all the papers. Aug. Spanuth calls and tells me whole of his private troubles. S. Trenkman calls voct also Albert Parsons. My “Bum” calls his Billygoat “Schneider” Paul Schmidt + Teddy Cassebeer take leave, starting with Cooks party pr. “Aurania” for Europe tomorrow
