The Diary

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NewYork +Astoria, Aug. 29th 1895.


the Court of Common Pleas decided the Racing Act of 1895 to be unconstitutional. I presented the “Marienheim” N. Borsig strasse 5. Berlin with a Steinway Upright piano. It is a terrible hot day, dictate to Oberländer, and remain at Mansion all day. Cordtmeyer calls, but not the rich one, this one wants to borrow $4.600. of me which I decline. In evg it grows a little cooler

Aug 30th frid.

To St. Hall early. Dr. Scharlau calls, Mrs. Marie Melville and daughter Margaret call, make application for passport before Burkard. Harry D. Low sells 25.000. Stw. Rw. bonds to Roswell Eldridge at 106 net and accrued interest, in addition to $10.000. paid in to St+S. I again deposit $15.000. to my credit with them. Work hard, get off an immensermail. Stetson went to the Thousand Islands yesterday, Charles H. St. not present today and thus extra labor is thrown upon my shoulders.
The corpse of Robert W. Inman was found at South Beach yestoday, and the American Veterans of 1870-71. were recd by Fürst Bismarck at Friedrichsruhe yesterday

Aug 31st sat.

Close warm night, have two stools during the night from drinking buttermilk. Louis Willich, alias “Jackson P. Hoofneckle” Humorist ofSt. Louis, died there yesterday. At the various trial trips the new “Defender” proves the fastest sailing yacht. We are having awful trouble Smith & Nixons troubles. The papers are full of “Wm. Steinway’s latest Ventures building horseless carriages” About 5 P.M. a fearful Thunderstorm sets in lasting several hours, breaking down branches from trees +c. Work til 9 P.M. when Masseur Grafstrom comes in as usual


Sept. 1st sund.

At about 6 A.M. a violent earthquake for about 10 seconds shakes the Steinway Mansion to its foundations. Cool windy day. Mr. A. Maurer calls, also Kübler, also Mr. +Mrs. Henry A. Cassebeer, all in the forenoon. The Sedan 25th anniversary absorbs all Germany. The German-Am. Veterans enthusiastically recd at Berlin. NewYorker “Arion” at Washingtons tomb yesterday. In afternoon drive with Mrs. Julia Cassebeer + Paul Schmidt via North Beach which is crowded, via Flushing to College Point 5 P.M. boat Wiehawken to NewYork, view Harlem Market, then via 92d str. Ferry, Flushing Ave, Ditmars and Purdy street to
