The Diary

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NewYork +Astoria, Sept. 1st 1895.


Steinway Mansion. Again work in evg. it was an ideal day, clear & moderate temperature

Sept 2d Monday.

Laborday, Like yesterday, beautiful sunny yet cool weather Grand Sedan 25th Anniversary celebrations all over Germany, and by the Germans of the United States. My right knee having been badly hurt by the Masseur last night, it hurts me considerably today. The Emper dedicated the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church at Berlin yesterday, a church for which I have given a great deal of money. In NewYork the “Dryest” Sun day was reported, only 30 arrests for violation of Excise. My right knee pains me badly all day, yet I perform a great deal of work. In afternoon R. T. McCabe calls, have a long talk with him on all subjects. He tells me that the Phila. Syndicate has negotiated with him for the purchase of the Steinway Railwy Comp with a good prospect of a sale. Beach is crowded until late at night


Sept. 3d Tuesd.

Fine day, but dreadful trouble to me, especially the Cincinnati business. At 4 P.M. Meeting of the directors of the N.Y. +LgIsl. R.R. at the house of director Dickerson 44 West 72d street, Geo. A. Sts. resignation accepted and Herman E. Kleber appointed director. Malcolm M. Niven authorized to negotiate at London. Work in evg.

Sept. 4th Wed.

Again beautiful weather. All day at St. Hall. Refuse Eldridge offer of $200.000. for the N.Y. +College Point Ferry. The crazy letter of Henry W. Crawford does not give a single fact, and I am greatly worried. My knee hurts me badly and I have it wrapped up with Chloroform lotion. Long letters to George a. Steinway ||

Sept 5th Thursd.

Remain at Mansion all day and accomplish much work, both knees affected but I can walk slowly without canes. Helen v. Hünerbein & George H. Smith called also coachbuilder Schwartz and A. B. Rippe. In ev’g. Dr. Grafstrom puts Salicylic lotion on both of my knees.

Sept. 6th frid.

Again very warm but beautiful weather, with “Bum” to 34th str. Ferry which he insists on crossing, he also claims the Queens County Court house as his own. I being still alone