The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, Sept. 12th 1895.

Septbr. 12th Thursd.

Again very hot. Remain in Mansion, slept badly and have somewhat loose bowels, but can walk better, A, Belmonts horse “Henry of Navarre” won the sweeptakes at Sheepshead yesterday Lord Dunraven refuses to sail the Valkyrie today. My daughter Paula, Maud, my granddaughter Meta & Frl. Krüsi in my Motor “Gemini” to Great Neck. Held Meeting of Daimler Motor Co. directors and set Oct. 5th sat. 11 A.M. for stockholders meeting to increase capital from $100.000. to $200.000. I am improving in walking, Walter C. Foster pesent. My son George A. Steinway relegraphed today “Sail Coptic Credit letter passports received, draw two hundred Sherman Clay” He therefore has sailed for Japan with Mr. Howard R. Burk today. Growing cooler in ev’g and slept well

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Sept. 13th friday.

Beautiful and cool day. All day at Steinway Hall. Have many visitors, among them Mrs. Melville and Miss Mary. Mellville, Blakely, McCabe, J. Bach. (Anna Bernkopf called at 2 P.M. Tuesday, at St. Hall, begging for her parents) H. L. Saxer also called. Received from Freiherr von Mirbach, Berlin, by mail two beautiful Medals, one of 1870 with Emperor Wms I picture, and one of 1895. with Wilhelm II + the Empress picture. Home via 34th str. Ferry. In forenoon took my “Bum” with his Katie to the Menagerie, Central Park. Vice Consul Dr. Otto Gumprecht called on me today enquiring about S. B. Mills “Elbiata” which he had sent to Emperor William II. Bernhard Mainzer of Hallgarten +Co. died yesterday. M. Behm called


Sept. 14th sat.

Beautiful but cool windy day, drive with the three children to 34th str. Ferry. They return by Trolley car, I drive to 26 Gramercy Park, where by 1 P.M. Henry W. Crawford calls, afterwards Fred + Chas. H. St. & Stetson. Have an awful time with Crawford and only towards 6 P.M. do I succeed in arriving at an understanding with him, I have to loan him $60.000. in addition to the $53.000, on condition of taking Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh-Erie from them, they to secure me. Drive hom via 34th Ferry, it is quite cold. Long correspondence took place yesterday and today between Lord Dunraven and the Regatta Committee. A. J. Menzl returned from Germany last night, he called tonight
