The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, Septbr. 19th 1895.

Septbr. 19th Thursd.

Beautiful clear warm day. To my great joy, my sons Willie +Theodore arrive early in the morning, both pictures of health, Willie has grown immensely, and has a bass voice. Talk over our contemplated move of Daimler Motor Comp. viz. to create storage sheds & a harbor in front of St +Sons lumber Repository. A. Maurer calls as to his new business in Koch property on Steinway Avenue. Gustav Burkard has gone to the White Mountains without a furlough. A nice interview in the N.Y Herald of mine on the excise questions. Mrs. Marie Melville and her two daghters Marie and Margaret depart for Hamburg by steamer Fürst Bismarck today. A Postal card informs me that Dr. Rosenheimer, who attended to my feet at Steinway Hall at noon last monday, died at noon on Tuesday following, and will be buried tomorrow.


Sept. 20th friday.

Terribly hot sunny day. I am overwhelmed with work, trouble and visitors, Aug. Spanuth, Alex. Wood. B. Newport, Am. Fabris, A. M. Britting, Valesca Franck (who tells me she is engaged to Emil Sanger). Last night Albert E. Menzl and his betrothed Ella von Poser, called and informed me they would get married Sept. 21st. I made them a wedding present of a check for $100._ Tretbar introduces Burmeister of Baltimore to me, who just arrived pr. Columbia. Also saw C. T. Klein, regarding Staatszeitungs article on Blackwells Island Bridge. Marie Louise Bailey calls, tells me she is going pr. “Ems” to Vienna tomorrow. Richard Croker returned by Columbia

Sept. 21st sat.

Again, terribly hot sunny day. Richard Burmeister called at Mansion where I remain all day, and have a long conversation with him on Holwede-Dora Burmeister imbroglio also as to her Concerts in London, Berlin, Dresden, and as to his appearances in the U.S. He is a charming young man, and said to be a first class artist, lives in Baltimore. I drink Buttermilk almost daily now, which while tasting deliciously seems to agree with me quite well. Dr. Parkhurst, who has returned from Europe a couple of days ago, is trying to rally last years