The Diary

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NewYork & Astoria, Septbr. 23d 1895.


Chicago Syndicate desiring to go into the horseless Carriage business The night is terribly warm, and I sleep little. Mr. Schiller called

Sept. 24th Tuesd.

During the night the cool wave arrived toward morning and everybody breathes more freely. I work til 11 A.M. then examine new basin for Daimler Motor Comp. and decide to have entrance from Bay between Clubhouse of Williamsburgh Yacht Club+Oakes fence. Drive with L.v.B. at 12.45. P.M. via 34th str. Ferry to NewYork. My son Willie went to Garden City school today. Work At St. Hall til 8 P.m. then to L.K. Drink one glass of “Pschorr” splendid


Sept. 25. Wed.

Excessively busy, weather growing warm again, work all day at St. Hall, yesterday drove directly to Rapid Transit Meeting in which we looked over Parsons plans, which session lasts til nearly 5 P.M. An immense German American Parade takes place, agt the tyrannical sunday laws, in which fully 25.000 persons participate, Roosevelt himself reviewing the parade. I feel a little Rheumatism beween the shoulder blade in eveg, which increases during the night, the latter very sultry. F. C. Chase, young Hotchkill (lawyer) Lucie Freisinger call, quite a number I refuse to see

Sept 26th Thursd.

Very warm sultry weather, slept better and felt touch in my back all night. Remain at Mansion, saw Burden, Leonard Smith, Kuebler + L.v.B. early, as to sheds & proposed basin for Daimler Motor Comp Mrs. Adolph Burkard call with Miss v. Toussaint, intended of Philip Burkard. The papers are full of description of yesterdays parade and the Staatszeitung has a covert attack upon the Liederkranz for not participating in the Parade as the Arion did. Horatio C. King was nominated as Secretary of State by the Democratic Convention at Syracuse, by acclamation. At 4 P.M. George Ehret, Frank A. Ehret and lawyer Burkard come with “Gemini” from 99th str. Have a long conversation on Ferry, B.B. + Harlem Market, also Daimler Motor matters. They all go at 6 P.M. and view the Daimler Motor works. “Bum” has on a little boys suit