The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr 9th 1895.


factory of us. We then drive to College Point Ferry, temporary bridge not yet placed, then to Harlem Market, which is now beginning to pay, then home via Central Park. Work home in evg til 10 P.M. L.v.B. to Deutscher Verein “Received following cablegram from my son George, dated Hongkong Novb 9/95 Steinway Newyork, Leave eleventh arrive Singapore sixteenth leave Batavia twenty sixth, well, Burkgeorge” It appears that Long Isl. City Clerk Murphy issued his Certificate to J. P. Madden, certifying that he had been elected Mayor with 76 votes plurality. My daughter Paula tells me that the Paderewski Matinee exceeded everything in enthusiasm and that, though evidently tired, he added several pieces. Fr. Keubler sails per Lucania for Europe


Novbr 10th Sund.

Warm+ raining, in forenoon, clearing and cold in afternoon. At 9 A.M. in St. Hall work til 6 P.M. with stenographer Oberlander at my article 100 yrs. of American Manufacture, History of Music +Opera in the U.S. My Heine articlesis only in the N.Y. Times. Write a couple of articles one as to travels of my son George, the other as to intended European trip of the Liederkranz in the summer season 1897. Work at home til 10 P.M.

Novbr 11th Mond.

Excessively busy all day, work home in evg. Mayor Strong, Comptroller Fitch laid up with gout, Fechteler also has an attack, I feel a litlle heavier in my right instep

Novbr 12th Tuesd.

Work home til 12 M. send my Beethoven picture to Wilhelm to be photographed for Beethoven festival. Then drive to 30 East 14th str. meet Mrs. Franz Schneider +Mrs. Chas. Miehling view Models of proposed ladies present for golden Jubileè of Liederkranz. Work on my article 100 years Am. Mfr. N.Y. Tribune has my Henrich Heine essay editorially + it reads beautifully. No Rapid Transit to-day. At L.K. evg play Skat with Adams, Hoffmann, J. Kämmerer, win 5 Cents


Novbr. 13th Wed.

All day at St. Hall to 6 P.M. Excessively busy. In evg with L.v.B. at Deutscher Verein Generalversamlung, election of six Vorstands members. Afterwards, chatting with Robt Behr, A. Zinsser L. F. Dommerich, Pupke, and keep them in a constant roar by my jewish tales and Jokes. Home at 11.30 PM