The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 25th 1895.

Decbr. 25th Wed.

Christmas day, but I workall day at the store. In afternoon Henry E. Abbey and Maurice Grau spend two hours with me, wanting to sell out contract with Joseph Hoffmann, and to borrow $20.000. which I finally promise to obtain for them at the Bank of the Metropolis. Work at home from 7 P.M. til 10.30 P.M. Louis v. Bernuth, Paula, Willie + Theodore go to Italian Opera Aida, at Metropolitan Opera house this evg. Our Christmas Retail trade has been quite good this year, while wholesale trade has suffered very badly all over the Country, the West being literally bankcrupt


Decbr 26th Thursd.

Very busy at St. Hall til 8 P.M. Then walk to Theatre Irving Place, meet L.v.B. +wife, my sons Willie +Theo. and hear the Fledermaus which is very nicely given. At 10 A.M met Abbey+Grau at Bank of the Metropolis, where theyopen an account and I get them $20.000. of discount. I then drive to new Criminalbuilg, get three Copies death certificate of my beloved wife Elizabeth C. Steinway. Then drive down to Surrogates Court. Apply for letter of Administration of Estate of my late wife, and for letters of guardianship of my children Willie, Theodore + Maude Steinway, Chas. H. and Fred. T. Steinway to be my bondsmen. M. Weihl + Miss MacClanahan called. When driving home from Irving place Theo. a fearful rainstorm prevails

Decbr. 27th frid.

Clear, lovely warm weather. Remain home working til 1 P.M. Great snowstorms reported from Berlin, Germany. Am excessively busy all day and work til 10 P.M. at St. Hall. Chas. H. St. goes on all my bonds $2000. for me, as Administrator of Elizabeth C. St. and $20.000. on chgbond. for Me as Guardan of William R. Theoore E. and Maude Emily Louise Steinway each. Fred T. St. goes on my Administrators bond for $2000, and for Willie R. St. for me as Guardian. I myself gave bond for the same. For a wonder am able to work without being much harrassed

Decbr 28th sat.

To St. Hall at 9 A.M. A day of terrible trouble. Sign bond for $20.000. for Smith +Burden, that Hoyt Avenue sewer will be all right for 6 months. Adam Weber signed my guardian bond for