The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 28th 1895.


Theo. E. St. and Henry Ziegler for Maud E. L. Steinway, $20.000 each. Richard Burmeister calls, pestering me about his wifes proposed concert at Berlin, Theo. Sutro comes about the Albert Weber piano-matter, and I tell him that his bro. Otto Sutro has disappeared from Baltimore since abot Decbr 1st. Melamet called twice without I being able to see him. A. Silbernagel called about business founded by A. Maurer, deceased. M. Krause called+lots of others. Telegrams arrive from Smith +Nixon Cinc. wanting to borrow more money, and Charles H. St. Hempsted , and Stetson speak through the telephone to Crawford refusing point blank to loan them more money. On friday evg I had a bad touch in my right knee which is better today. At 7 P.M. to Cassebeers 40th birthday of Mrs. Julia Cassebeer, I make speech, drive off to “Deutsche Verein: bondholders Meeting, Verein being only able to pay 2½ pr.Ct. Much difference of opinion, until my Motion prevails to pay 2½ pr. Ct. next Jan’y 2d provided 80 pr. Ct. of the bondholders will consent. Then home, could not go to Freundschaft any more

Ottilie C. Steinway married to Carl L. Recknagel today

Decbr 29th Sund.

No snow yet this season. Drive to St. Hall at 9.30 A.M. Look over Astoria Homestead Co’s affairs with Clerk Schaller, then Fritsch comes in, cries + bothers me about Klein, then hold a consultation with Stetson as to the impending collapse of Smith +Nixon, Cinc. Yesterday recd official Copy of Order of Henry A. Gildersleeve that Chas. H. St. +I are officially relieved exhonerated from our bonds for Herman E. Kleber, Receiver of F. Grote +Co. Accomplish a great deal of work as only Wm. Mason calls on me regarding A. E. MacDowell as Prof. to Musical Department to be established by the Columbia College. Workat St. Hall to 10.30 P.M. papers state Marriage of Carl L. Recknagel and Ottilie C. Steinway

Decbr 30th Mond.

A terrible day, telephoning and telegraphing to +with Smith+ Nixon who seem on the verge of bankcruptcy and call upon us constanly for additional fnancial help. I drove to Bk Metropolis, and examined S +N. Gildemeester +Kroeger account also Mason+ Hamlin. Again work at store til 6 P.M. drove to house of Fred. T. St. take supper with the other directors of Steinway +Sons, all pesent we hold Board of Diectors