The Diary

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New York, Jan 1st 1873.

Jan 1st Wed.

Splendid mild day, but very slippery. At 9 A.M. proceed to Store. Albert has not gone to Albany. We receive quite a number of calls I stay home. In bed notice that I am chafed quite sore at the place where truss presses

Jan 2d Thursday.

Walk to store, busily engaged in settling up and stock accounts, work til 7 P.M. walk with Theo & Fred. Steins to L.K. take supper there At Bd. of Trustees meeting, afterwards very jolly down stairs, they want to make me President for this year Drive home in a Coach. During the day consult Dr. Lellmann who says that it is merely chafed, and that rupture appears more favorable

Jan 3d friday.

Gloomy, foggy day, drizzling rain and very slippery The "Times" states that Madame Scheible got married at the Austrian Legation at Washington to Mr. Savage formerly United States Consul at Marseilles, yesterday At Rubinstein Concert, Combination with Thomas Orchestra

Jan 4th sat.

Glorious mild day, Snow & Ice melting fast. Rubinstein and Thomas immense Matinee, take dinner with Albert then with him and Theodore drive to farm, Snow very deep all over, to our joy find Well splendid & Water running over the curb, diggers at work, have nearly completed temporary road from our gate across Steinway Avenue, have filled up Mill in the rear and partly inside. Our Creek & that between Berrians Island, as also in front of our Shore covered with a dense field of Ice. Foundry being paved with Brick. Boiler with Mason work very nearly completed. At home in evening Reck with us cutting up the deer that O. T. Booth of Allegan, Mich. sent to us He does it very scientifically. Stokes found guilty of Murder in the first degree