The Diary

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New York, Septbr 18/73.

Sept 18th Thursd.

Write last letter to wife, and Theodor. to intercept them at Southampton. Jay Cooke & Co. fail, immense excitement in Wall street, Gold to 12 pr. Ct. Supper with Albert, play cards and win


Sept 19th friday.

Rainstorm all night, have Stage tickets & time tables printed at Beyer, Bahr takes Stage to Astoria Am uptown in evening, taking supper with Albert who was unsuccessfully trying all day to get new blower in order Terrible panic in Wall street, many prominent firms fail, and runs on Banks +c +c.


Sept 20th saturday.

Clearing weather. Orders now come in pretty freely At 1.30. P.M. by boat to Astoria, go in our new Stage, which had commenced running this morning. Kroeger and Rassiga with me. Afterwards Krauss & Tretbar come to farm, showing me letter from Pacific Bank calling in loan of $30.000, terrible commotion in New York, Union Trust Company & Bk of Commonwealth having suspended. Eat Supper with Albert & play cards & win.

Sept. 21st Sunday.

Splendid day, get up early, go to Store, find that we have $20.000, call on Pres. Campbell, Pac. Bk, who is not home, see his son, then call on Robt Schell on 56th street, who tells me, they had quite a run on the Bank, stay at Zieglers house all day

Sept 22d Monday.

fine weather, Meeting of directors at Bk of the Metropolis, they have a run, German Savings Bk has a small run, various other institutions have a run I drive down to Pac. Bk. with Albert, fix matters with the President, so that the loan may remain. Matters are more quiet in the afternoon, eat Supper with Albert, play cards in evening, but go home early I was very much excited all day, Albert also.