The Diary

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New York, Sept 29th 1873.

Sept 29th

Cloudy close weather, arrange with John Blunt to drive our Stage, we take his boy into our employ & he buys the 4th house of us at Astoria. Albert & I have great difficulty to get small bills from the Banks, uptown in eveg

Sept 30th Tuesday.

Cloudy weather, Financial Crisis seems to have reached all parts of the Country, it looks very badly The World contains Interview with Albert St. At L.K. in eve'g, & farm in afternoon

Oct 1st Wed

Nixon writes he can not pay his note. I feel very sad on acc. of the financial troubles and newspaper card of A. Weber, I order casemakers, bellymen & action makers to stop for 3 days. Uptown in evening Albert has Rheumatism in his hand.

Oct 2d Thursday.

Financial situation growing worse for financial mercantile circles Bk. of Metropolis growing stronger every day. At L.K. in evening Bd. of trustee meeting, preside

Oct 3d friday.

Fine day. The parties who bought our Astoria Houses cannot get their money from the Savings Banks, at farm in afternoon tell Stevens to stop handcars & men from excavating, after Saturday Oct 4/73, see Van Alst & order map for Lithographing on a smaller scale from him. Play cards in evening

Oct 4th sat.

Bk. of the Met. very strong, tell me that we can have all the Greenbacks we want. Reck arrives from Germany I feel much more encouraged. Arrange carefully with Albert & Kroeger how to reduce stock & draw in our horns Phyfe arrives with Alberts & Tretbars horse. Mrs. Julia Woehnert who has been on a visit to Tretbar departs for Buffalo, without my having seen her. I am at Germania Theatre in evening, we eat Oysters afterwards I have a terrible cold in my head