The Diary

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New York, Oct 12/73.

Oct 12th Sunday.

Weisser dines with us, we drive to the farm, at Zieglers in eve'g, in forenoon had a sharp talk with Theodore

Oct 13th Monday.

fine day, Uptown in eve'g

Oct 14th Tuesday.

At L.K. in eve'g, go away before presiding

Oct 15th Wed.

Have hard scene with Jas. N. Smith, whom Albert by my order stopped yesterday, we considering that the contract was at an end. I pay him. Uptown eve'g


Oct 16th Thursd.

Reck tells me that he wants some money to speculate in Stocks, at home in evening.


Oct 17th friday.

Business seems to grow still worse. Reck dines with us we play cards together. Albert & Ziegler also there, have good talk in afternoon with Theodore, who fears Alberts Machinery improvements more than anything else


Oct 18th sat.

gloomy day, poor business, home in eve'g, draw up circular to our Agents, translations of certificates +c

Oct 19th sunday.

very warm, in afternoon drive to farm with Theo, Ziegler, the three boys, at home in eveg, playing domino with H. Steinway

Oct 20th Monday.

rainy day. Business at a standstill, not a single order coming in, and very little money, again make a reduced payday, with wife at Germania Theatre, see Nembach for first time after his return from Vienna..

Oct 21st Tuesday.

Again no orders, I feel very downhearted Am downtown with Reck, take dinner at Schedlers, consult with Cotterill in forenoon, Fred. Steins, Reck & I dine at Belvidere House, we are at Barnums in eve'g, at L.K. afterwards have little Kneiperei at L.K. after presiding

Oct 22d Wed.

Settle with Reck, Jas. N. Smith appears and makes a demand of some $8500, which he claims as loß, which I refuse, he threatens to sue, home in eveg