The Diary

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New York, Octbr 23d 1873.

Oct 23d Thursday.

with Theo to farm, leave blank deed to adjust division bet. our property & Kouwenhoven, with Luke Kouwenhoven, blower for foundry broke down again, home in evening

Oct 24th friday.

Consult Cotterill, as to feasibility of turning our business into a Company, find it can be done very easily Theo. with us, reflect upon the matter Get letters from lawyers of Jas. N. Smith


Oct 25th sat.

Several orders come in, also money. I feel more hopeful, sell Mtge of H. Kroeger for $5.000. In afternoon go to farm with Theo. & Chas. St by Stage, visit old Geo. Kouwenhoven, he hands me the deed duly signed, I agree to send both his and our deed to Jamaica for record Reck dines with us, we play cards, previous play domino with the Children, Georgie understands Muggins fully

Oct. 26th sund.

Get Hair cut, told Stevens yesterday to go on and complete the Avenue, am at Store in forenoon Spend afternoon & evening with Theo. at Zieglers


Oct 27th Monday.

Rainstorm all day, there seems to be a slight improvement, having received 10 orders saturday & four today Jas. N. Smith and his Nephew Stevens call & we decide to have him go on & finish Steinway Avenue. with wife Lizzie Cassebeer & Gussie Cassebeer at Geneva Cross, Union Sq. Theatre.

Oct 28th Tuesday.

Wife leaves for Buffalo at 10 A.M. am at L.K. in eveg, preside

Oct 29th Wed.

At home in eveg, writing. Dreckboss commences filling over pipes

Oct 30th Thurs.

Down town, learn that Mutual Life Ins. Co. have declined our loan for the present, spend eveg uptown, feel strong touch in left foot.

Oct 31st friday.

touch little better. Financial outlook most discouraging. Preiss (24 Dcy str) tells me that Farley would give $150.000 for my house if I will take his at $110.000 wife returns from Buffalo

Novbr 1st sat.

Gout gone. Prospects looking better, receiving some money and orders

" 2d Sund.

to farm with Theo Ziegler, Albert & three boys Eve home with Albt family

" 3 Mond.

Payday. No orders hardly. I put all in the Store at ¾ time from today am at Germ. Sav. Bk in eveg, see Otto Ernst, Abt & ladies see Registrator auf Reisen