The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 4th 1873.

Novbr. 4th Tuesday.

Election, with Theo & Abt at farm, Albert discharged Merrit & Smith yesterday, sell Schubert two lots on Steinway Ave opposite brickstore. Palmer called on me yesterday, I decline to pay anything for Bülow. In store in eveg, writing, at LK.


Novbr 5th Wed.

Splendid day, at farm with Theo. & Albt, the latter measures the logs from Kilty, rejecting 1/3 thereof. At Alberts in eve'g, with wife, playing cards

Novbr. 6th Thurs.

Splendid day, Gold down to 6¼%. Theodors birthday, eat uptown at noon, work in Store til 7½ P.M., at L.K. B. of Trustee Meeting, afterwards Zieglers

Novbr 7th friday.

Eat dinner Uptown, work like a beaver all eveg. drawing deeds +c til 11 P.M. Wife to German Theatre with Albert +c, has .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

Novbr 8th sat.

Raining all day, looked at House near on Gramercy Square yesterday, call on Equitable Life Ins. Co. Mr. Pierson thinks chances of loan favorable, Capt. Willigerod Luther, Albt & Wife take dinner & spend evening with us

Novbr 9th Sunday.

Work forenoon & eveg hard to draw out all deeds, take supper uptown

" 10th Mond.

fine clear cold day, tel on Sat. Franz Liszt, Pesth "Unsere Huldigung dem Meister der erhabenen Tonschoepfungen welche so oft in Steinway Hall erklangen" Steinway + Sons In eve'g Quartett party, present Carl, Adolf + Paul Goepel, Reck, Steins Garlichs, Engelhorn & Albert + wife, very jolly sing quite well, lasts til 12½ A.M. Jette Brunn has little baby girl

" 11th Tuesd.

Receive letter from Henry A. Hurlbut 11 West 20th street, that our application to the Equitable Life Insurance Comp. will be perfected in a few days With Luther, Theo & Abt at farm splendid weather, wellpipe all covered in. I work in Store, at L.K. afterwards, wife, Albt & wife at Dr. Gardners.


Novbr 12th Wed.

Rainy day. Mr. Hurlbut calls on our application of Equitable Life Ins. Co says it is O.K. Home in evening, writing.

Novbr 13th Thurs.

Am Sore under pad of Truss again, at home in eveg, writing

" 14th friday.

deliver all Documents to Riker to be recorded. At home eveg

" 15th sat.

Theo. Julia, Albt + wife supper at my house, playing cards afterwards Dr. Dowling calls at store to talk of Exchange of property

" 16th Sunday.

In forenoon work at Store, walk uptown with children, in evg Albt & Wife, Theodore, Julia Ziegler at my house, supper & cardplaying the three boys also there